Move more whilst at work
Alongside a healthy diet, moving more is key to maintaining a healthy weight and contributes towards overall better health. Exercising with a friend is a great strategy to keep you active, it's more fun and you're less likely to make an excuse not to when someone else is relying on you.
We've teamed up with Beki Daniel, Personal Trainer, to provide some simple stretches to get you started on your move more journey.
Beki, of Strong Body Happy Mind, has a Level 3 Diploma in Personal Training and is a member of CIMSPA. She has also gained Level 2 Awards in Kettlebells and Circuit Training. Interested in the link between physical and mental well being, Beki focuses on helping clients become stronger both physically and mentally. Beki offers support and motivation towards becoming a happier, healthier you.
Our bodies are designed to move
It’s important to take some time each day to move your body, sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time can contribute to discomfort and health issues. Below are a few stretches you can do at your workplace or at home throughout the day to stretch and loosen off any tension or pain you may be experiencing. Hold each of these stretches for 30 seconds.

Sitting with feet flat on the floor, take one leg and cross it over the other resting your ankle just above your knee. Lean forward slightly, until you feel a comfortable stretch. Be conscious not to curve your upper back as you lean forward, initiate the movement from your hips. Repeat for the other leg.
Standing, raise your hands above your head and clasp your hands together, keeping your heels to the floor gently stretch up and over to the right until you feel a comfortable stretch down your left side. Repeat on the other side.

Sitting with feet flat on the floor again, take one leg and cross it over the other fully, take your opposite hand and place it just above your knee twisting your torso toward the crossed leg. Repeat for the other leg.
Standing, clasp your hands behind your back keeping them as close to your body as you can, gently push down towards the floor opening up the chest. After a few deep inhales and exhales see if you can relax deeper into the stretch.

Seated or standing, place one hand on each opposite shoulder crossing your arms, and slowly drop your head down towards your chest.
Again seated or standing, facing forwards gently tilt your right ear towards your shoulder until you feel a comfortable stretch down the left side of your neck and hold, come back to the centre and then tilt over to the left, and hold. Coming back to the centre, turn your head to face the right, again until you feel a comfortable stretch, and hold. Come back to the centre, before turning your head to face the left until you feel a comfortable stretch, and hold.

It's important to remember stretching shouldn't cause any discomfort, hold each stretch to where you feel comfortable, this will vary from person to person. You'll notice over time the more regularly you stretch the deeper you'll relax into each stretch and increase your range of movement.
Physical activity, even for a short period of time, has also been shown to improve mood so don’t stop at these stretches. You could try taking a walk at lunchtime or cycle to and from work during the nicer weather! Or if you'd like to put together your own home workout Beki has provided some simple body weight exercises that can be performed in the comfort of your own home. Click here to view these exercises.

By partaking in the stretches participants confirm that they are of able body and not aware of any medical conditions or medical history that may prevent them from participating in light, physical activity. They understand participation is entirely voluntary, they partake at their own risk and assume all risk of injury to themselves and agree it is their sole responsibility to seek medical advice. Participants understand Lepicol and Strong Body Happy Mind will not be held liable for any injury that may arise from carrying out the stretches detailed on this website.