Simple & scrumptious recipes
In today's day and age many of us struggle to eat well, with our busier lifestyles we often grab food for convenience reaching for processed foods. If you're looking to make healthier choices our Nutritional Experts have shared some of their favourite easy recipes to guide you into loving to cook naturally and eat healthily.
These recipes are in line with our ‘Top Tips to Maintaining a Healthy Shape’:
- Consume a good quality protein source with each meal or snack
- Swap processed foods high in sugar or refined carbs for real foods such as colourful fibrous veg
- Enjoy some omega 3 fats such as oily fish, nuts and seeds
Our general recommendation would be not to snack between meals, helping to stabilise your blood sugar levels. However, if true hunger or a special occasion does arise, we have included a number of tasty snacks and treats too.
We hope you will find these meal suggestions nutritiously satisfying, keeping you fuller for longer.
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Making Healthier Choices
If you're working towards a healthier you, alongside diet, it's important to move our bodies regularly for overall better health! To help kickstart your fitness routine we've teamed up with a personal trainer, from Strong Body Happy Mind, to provide some simple body weight exercises that can be performed anywhere, in addition to some gentle stretches that can be implemented as part of your daily routine. Follow the links below to check these exercises out!